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Monday, January 3, 2011

New Pets

Well what a day! We were on the road early to head to my sisters so that we could get another dog. We picked my mom and dad up on the way and arrived at my sisters house to pick out our new puppy. Well she had two left and we ended up getting both we are not sure which one we will keep. We ARE giving one as a birthday present to my husband's aunt (shhhhhhhh don't tell auntie). So we plan to house train them (hmmm oh no) and get them fixed before we give the dog to her. I sure hope that they house train quickly. So we dropped off mom and dad and headed to our next stop at the other sisters house to pick up two cats. We are in need of a couple barn cats for in the shed. We have a nice warm cat house they won't get to cold. It's even carpeted and insulated. So our children are very excited and are trying to figure out a name for all these new pets. Oh what crazy names they're coming up with, it may take a while to come up with the right names. The picture above shows the kids holding the two new puppies and the pug that is trying to ignore them is our dog Mugsy!! He is not quite sure what to think of them! Well wish me luck, I said I would never do the puppy thing again and here I am. Oh well such is life with kids!

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