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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st Day

Well day 1 of the new puppies has been very interesting. My son took the puppies out of the taxi to go outside and then he let them into the foyer which we thought we had puppy proofed. THANKS DANNY. I woke up to them playing and being quite active this morning. I checked on them a couple of times and they were having a great time but when my husband came home they had a huge mess. They had gone on a higher shelf in the foyer and taken a book and ripped off the front cover and pages. They shredded that. They had gotten down their food and it was every where. They had taken out every dog toy and had pulled a rug into the area. It was quite a sight. My husband was glad to be going to bed. So we cleaned that up well mostly my daughter did, THANKS ROSE!! My daughter has been great about taking them out. I sure hope that continues. You know how new things are for kids and I know it will get old but maybe they will be trained by then. She has done a fabulous job. AGAIN THANKS ROSE!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!! They are very smart, they have already figured out how to open the gate and get out. So I taped the gate to the wall and they figured out how to peel the tape off so they can be by us. It was funny how they would wait until we settled in to do some homework and then they would gentlely peel the tape off. So I had to use stronger tape. They are really cute though. Well I will post more later hope your having a great day!

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