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Friday, February 25, 2011

Alpaca Day!

So yesterday was the day my kids went to help the alpaca farmer. The kids got to start halter training some of the alpacas that will shown at the Minnesota Expo which is in April. Rose is so excited that she is probably going to show in the expo. We will head to Owatanna for the weekend. It should be a great family weekend getaway and a great experience for Rose.

The kids have been going to this alpaca farm at least a couple times a month to work with the alpacas and to do some of the chores. Sometimes they get to help with the weighing, cleaning the pens or walking the animals. They always really enjoy being with these wonderful gentle animals. Don't get me wrong they can be very feisty like yesterday when they had one of the alpacas on a halter and she kept kicking because she didn't like the halter. My kids don't get discouraged they just keep going!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable photos.

    Love your blog header and side panels. Looks like you love to read also. :)

    ...Stopping by from the Over 40 Bloggers Blog.

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