
Welcome to my blog! I hope you find something interesting here!! I am new to this but am very excited to share things with you. I hope you will follow me. It's easy just click on the follow button on the left side of this page. Thanks I hope your having a great day!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring? Winter? Spring? Winter?

So I am confused the calendar says spring but it looks alot like winter to me. We got another several inches of snow last night and this morning. No school today, first time in quite a few years that our school has been closed. Danny says it was January of '07. It sure is heavy snow, this won't be good for the flooding situation, although they say it will melt slowly over the next week since the weather won't warm up to fast. The kids are really enjoying it HAHA. They blew out the driveway and shoveled the chickens out, sidewalk and path to the shed. Dan is looking forward to shoveling off the roof, yah right!
Hope you're enjoying this weather now because I am hoping it won't last long! Have a great day! God Bless you all, Debbie

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snow, Snow Go Away!!

How much snow do you have left?

So I'm sitting here dreaming about spring. I am really tired of snow. Last week was a nice taste of what I know is to come. But we still have quite a bit of snow. These pictures were taken yesterday. I know that we lost a little last night with the rain but we are suppose to get more 3 to 6 inches tonight and tomorrow. It won't last very long thank goodness. It will be nice to see some green grass, well even brown grass, LOL.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Poultry Bowl update

Well I thought I would update you on the poultry bowl teams. They competed at regional competition on the 5th of March. The kids did awesome. The senior team lost their last match by two points, so they won't be going to state. The junior team will be competing at state in April. Congratulations to all the members. Great job I am so proud of you! Go 4Hers!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

worm castings

So I have a terrible time with my plants. An alpaca farmer that my children have been helping gave me a 5# bag of this dirt and told me that it was from his worm farm. He uses the alpaca poo and some other items in his worm farm. It makes a very rich soil. He told me to use half potting soil and half of the dirt he gave me. I actually used about 1/3 of his dirt and 2/3 potting soil. I decided to see if I could save this spider plant that my cat was destroying. With in a couple of days I could see the plant was perking up. Now a few weeks later it is striving!! Now which plant to save next. I will post more when I use it it on other plants. I'll have to post pictures because I think I will become a great houseplant grower after all! This is really good soil! I would recommend it to anyone! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Duane!!

Well I just wanted to say happy birthday to my husband! It was his birthday on the 6th. We had a great day. Had some family time at the Mall of America! We haven't been there for years. We caught the light rail and took it to MOA. It was a lot of fun. The kids really enjoy the rides.



Friday, March 4, 2011

HMMMMMM Poultry Bowl

Well we are one day away from Regional Poultry Bowl competition! The kids have been practicing and studying since November. The teams are ready! These kids have been getting together every Saturday morning to practice. I am so proud of them. They are going to rock! We have two teams going one senior team and one junior team. My daughter is so nervous. Go teams you will do great!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March - Spring will it ever come?

Well do you think March came in like a lamb or a lion? It sure is cold. I can't wait till spring arrives! Thinking about the garden. We got most of our seeds already. The kids are excited to get them in the ground. We will see if the snow ever goes away. We are deciding how to plant, I like to put newspaper and grass clipping between the rows but Duane doesn't he says it take to long. I think it is to much work to weed all the time. So does anyone else have any ideas? Just leave a comment of what you do in your garden.