
Welcome to my blog! I hope you find something interesting here!! I am new to this but am very excited to share things with you. I hope you will follow me. It's easy just click on the follow button on the left side of this page. Thanks I hope your having a great day!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Alpaca Day!

So yesterday was the day my kids went to help the alpaca farmer. The kids got to start halter training some of the alpacas that will shown at the Minnesota Expo which is in April. Rose is so excited that she is probably going to show in the expo. We will head to Owatanna for the weekend. It should be a great family weekend getaway and a great experience for Rose.

The kids have been going to this alpaca farm at least a couple times a month to work with the alpacas and to do some of the chores. Sometimes they get to help with the weighing, cleaning the pens or walking the animals. They always really enjoy being with these wonderful gentle animals. Don't get me wrong they can be very feisty like yesterday when they had one of the alpacas on a halter and she kept kicking because she didn't like the halter. My kids don't get discouraged they just keep going!

See what was at our feeder today?

It is a very beautiful day! The sun is shining and it is so bright out. When Rose looked out and saw this big bird she was so amazed. It was such a beauriful sight! He was very nervous but stuck around for a while. Luckily I got a couple of great pictures. Thanks Rose for filling my bird feeders! Have a great day, Debbie

Monday, February 21, 2011

Another snowy day!

So it is snowing again today. A great day to stay inside. I figured I would blog a little. Just kind of gloomy so I figured I would start scrapbooking. My son just turned 16 and is in the 10th grade. With graduation in a couple of years I figured I should start his scrapbook. I have put it off long enough. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Where to begin? Hmmmm maybe at the beginning hahaha. So I will get the pictures out and get sorting. Talk to you later. Maybe I will post pictures later.

Have a great day!

God Bless you all, Debbie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rollerskating Party

The Sugar Maple Kids 4H Club had a rollerskating/award party on Sunday! First we went rollerskating and then we went for pizza and awards. It was a lot of fun! It was fun to see the older and younger members have fun together. We sure have a great group of kids. Thanks to all the members! I am looking forward to another great year! Debbie

Saturday, February 12, 2011

RV and Camping Show

I went to the RV and camping show yesterday. It was my gift to my husband for Valentines Day. He loves to go and I'd rather not. I must say it was fun to go without kids.

We sure saw a lot of RV's and campers. Wow are some of them amazing but very expensive. The highest price RV we saw was $450,000. WOW was it something but $450,000. It was cool to see it but I can't imagine ever wanting something like that. Which is good because we would never buy anything like that.

We saw so many nice campers but really liked the ones that are light weight and more aerodynamic. It would be much more economical to travel with these. We also liked the Park models. I'm not sure which one a person would buy. There were park models that had the log siding and tongue and groove inside and others with maintenance free vinyl siding. Some that had fire places, some with lofts, which would be nice for the kids. They seem to be made much better these days with a higher R value insulation. It would be great to park one of these on our lot and then add a bunkhouse and we would be set. Home away from home. We would spend a lot of time there.

We looked at many things. They have everything you would ever need to camp and more. From golf carts, pet items, camping equipment, to of course the actual campers and RV's. Even Scentsy which Duane bought me one for my Valentines gift. They did not have the one I wanted so they will ship it. I can't wait to get it. I love to burn candles for the smells and I can't wait to use my new Scentsy!

The time sure did go fast yesterday! We returned home to celebrate my sons 16th birthday. I can't believe he is 16 already. Boy time sure does fly. If you have little kids enjoy them now because they grow up so fast. I am really enjoying this age as well but it won't be long and he will be out on his own. I guess it will be a new phase of our lives! Well have a geat day, God Bless you all and thanks for visiting my blog. Leave a comment if you want, I love comments.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Back

So I have not been blogging lately because a lot has happened around here lately. From the kids activities to my silent retreat, to a death in the family. So here I am trying to get back in the swing of things.

We have Barney back in our house for a while since the Auntie that he went to live with, lost her husband last week. So again we are trying to potty train the 2 puppies in the winter months, hmmm, it has been interesting to say the least. They seem to be getting it, most of the time. Now if we can get them to bark when they want to go out we will be doing great. I have considered tying a bell to the door and training them to ring the bell but I am afraid we may not always hear them, hmmm what should we do? Well I think we will continue to do what we are doing and see what happens.

So now about the silent retreat at the Kings House in Buffalo, MN ahhhh what an amazing weekend! It was so nice to go again this year. This year I was able to talk my mom into going. Wow is it hard to keep her quiet, haha. Let's just say we spent a lot of time in the coffee room where wewere are able to talk anytime we wanted to. I truely enjoyed the weekend. I will always remember the time I was able to spend with mom. She is the neatest person. It was fun just being at the retreat house where we didn't have to cook or do anything, we enjoyed the speakers and well talking. Oh and don't forget the wonderful food mmm good. I did come away from the retreat with a lot of insight. I look forward to the next time I can make a retreat. My mom would like to try one in the summer time because it would be nice to go outside, sounds good to me!